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Who is your Life Partner

Very interesting question and seems easy as well.

Is your spouse your life partner? Is it true ?

What a silly question, you might be wondering.

We are not talking about the literal meaning of the word life partner.

Let’s dive deep into the word, then.

What is real wealth, these days ? No, it’s not money or property.

Good health is the real wealth.

This can be understood by the saying,” If you lose wealth, you lose nothing. If you lose health, you lose something”.

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”- Mahatma Gandhiji.

Being healthy is the most important thing these days. How ? In the event of a disease or a hospitalization, a huge part of the hard earned money is paid for consultation, diagnosis, treatments, medicines and hospital bills.

Unfortunately most of the so-called ”diseases” are not diseases but lifestyle disorders, due to our unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyle.If only, we take proper care of our health, we need not spend huge amounts of money , as mentioned above. According to National Institute of Health (NIH), an average American spends $300,000 (equivalent of Rs.2.55 Crores, approximately)

“Health is the state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit” – B.K.S.Iyengar.

Health includes physical, mental, emotional, psychological, all together. There are various ways and means to take care of physical health. Walking, running, swimming, exercising at the gym and doing yoga are some of the most widely used. Every physical activity has its unique attributes which helps in improving the physical well being. We just cannot compare one with another.

But which one is encompassing all the aspects of health, ie. physical, mental, emotional and psychological ? Any guesses, anyone ? It is none other than yoga.

“The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body”.

Practise yoga consistently and you will get to see what I mean by the above statement.

When we do yoga regularly, our body becomes healthy, immune to diseases, stress free, gets peaceful sleep and has reduced food cravings. As per Statista, around 36 million Americans do yoga on a regular basis. Is it not that great ?

Is it not surprising that Yoga which originated from India has traversed across to the West and transformed so many people ? Then why don’t the rest of us take yoga seriously ?

“Yoga is adaptable to your age, gender and fitness level. Yoga is portable and truly universal” – Shri Narendra Modi.

Caring for your body is one aspect neglected by most of you, with the exception of a few.

All of us take our bodies and health for granted, just as we take air, water, breath, sunlight and food . The natural resources, if they are not conserved, will deplete gradually. Likewise our bodies will also deteriorate and start falling sick, if we do not take proper care of them.

How to take care of our body and health? By getting into a fitness routine, which suits us the most and which we can do consistently. We need to choose the option wisely so that we don’t miss the routine.

“Take care of your body, it is the only place you live” – Jim Rohn.

Most of us tend to sign up for gym or swimming classes or getting trained for running etc at the beginning of the new year. Day by day, the interest as well as the determination to do it, every single day vanishes.

We cannot single out any one specific activity as the best exercise for health, as everyone is unique and so are their needs for fitness and wellbeing. It is not mandatory that we need to practise only one particular type of activity alone. We can cross- train as well. Sports persons and dancers can learn yoga for strength, endurance and flexibility.

“Exercise not only changes your body,it changes your mind, mood and attitude” – Unknown

When we use a combination of workouts for a week, we shall eagerly look forward to doing them with enthusiasm. When we do anything with eagerness and passion, we tend to do it all through our lives. Don’t you agree ?

Coming back to the title, who is the life partner then ? No prizes for those who correctly guess the answer as body. Our body is our real life partner and we need to take proper care of the body to live a fulfilling life. Yoga is one of the ways to take care of your body holistically.

So what is stopping you from learning yoga from Yogadarshini?
Visit our website for more details or ping us @ 91501 80033.

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