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The Bad Side effects of doing yoga

What? Are there any bad side effects to yoga? Are you sure you heard it right?

Yes, indeed. Why don’t we take a tour exploring the side effects of doing yoga consistently and how bad it can become:)

Whether it is Yoga for beginners or an advanced class, there definitely are some serious side effects!

Let us dive deep into the topic of discussion of the bad side effects of yoga.

You may stop eating the food you like!

When we practise yoga consistently, it becomes a way of life. Slowly and gradually, it transforms our way of eating, sleeping, thinking etc. We may not overeat, if we had been doing it earlier. Our cravings for junk food shall reduce over a period of time. We may even stop preferring junk food. Sounds scary to some of you?!?

Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food – Hippocrates.

You may not be able to wear your favorite clothes!

Our body becomes healthy and metabolism gets boosted, when we practise yoga. Slowly yet definitely, we start losing weight and therefore we may have to buy new clothes, since the old clothes don’t suit us anymore (they become loose). Time to change your wardrobe!!!

According to Harvard Health study published in 2015 showed that practicing yoga led to healthier eating, including lower fat intake and an increase in vegetables and whole grains. Oh my God!! So many side effects?

Does yoga help you lose weight? A million-dollar question, indeed. We cannot claim or guarantee that yoga will help you lose weight. But along with yoga, if we follow a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle with a good amount of sleep, weight reduction happens naturally. There is nothing as such called a yoga diet.  However, Hatha Yoga Pradipika talks about a Satvik diet which is predominantly a lacto vegetarian diet that excludes onion, garlic and strong spices. But beware, there is no specific timeline or spot reduction guaranteed as the results vary from person to person.

You may stop watching your favorite series on OTT!

Yoga side effects include a good sleeping pattern. So, we are induced to hit the bed early and avoid browsing all the available OTTs for any series or movies during late night hours. We are missing the fun part here because of yoga. People suffering from insomnia or disturbed sleep patterns get to sleep well if they do yoga consistently. The body gets tuned so beautifully well.

Results of study from the United States, National Institute of Health indicate that older adults practicing Yoga regularly had better overall sleep quality, less episodes of disturbed sleep, took less time to fall asleep, less day time dysfunction, less use of sleep medications and also felt more rested and energetic in the morning.

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep”. Isn’t that a great idea?

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use: When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”

Wellness encompasses a healthy body, sound mind and a tranquil spirit – Unknown.

Yoga instructors play an important role in developing an interest and passion towards yoga and making it a lifestyle rather than a short-term exercise regime. Just as we develop a liking towards a particular subject because of the way it is being taught by a particular teacher who makes sure that we understand the concepts well, yoga too requires the same.

When we learn yoga from a certified/ authorised teacher, we get to learn it in a proper and scientific way knowing all the benefits of doing a particular asana. When to inhale, exhale, hold the breath, how far we can stretch, how long to retain a pose, all these are to be properly taught by a yoga instructor. We also get to know the dos and don’ts of a specific asana.

Also Read: Purpose of Yoga

“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning”. Doesn’t it corroborate our above statements on yoga instructors?

Previously, there were no online classes and we have to travel from our home to some faraway place for not just yoga but for everything. But after the pandemic, online classes have become the way of life. We can learn any skill, art or technology right from the comfort of our homes.

Best online yoga classes are offered by Yoga Darshini, an online yoga studio. The clientele ranges from all ages and many countries across the globe. People of all ages can learn and practise yoga without any hassles by the crystal-clear guidance and well-structured classes of Yoga Darshini.

For more details, please visit our or send a message via whats app to +91 9150180033.


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