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Mindful Yoga Practice

Does Yoga really help in being mindful?

What is mindfulness? Being totally present in the moment-”Now”, without getting distracted and also being non-judgmental.

“Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Mindful or being aware is a very subtle yet powerful word. Want to know how?

Most of the issues and challenges result in out lives due to our haste and not being mindful. Right from the way we speak, the words we speak, if only we are mindful, most of the conflicts would be resolved without much arguments

Unfortunately, most of the people are never mindful these days. If at all, there is one area where majority of the people are mindful is that while they drive a vehicle. They just need to be mindful to avoid accidents. Nowadays, even while driving people are talking in a mobile phone and driving. This attitude needs a change for our own safety.

“How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, and therefore, the quality of our lives.”
– Sam Harris

How does yoga help us in being mindful? Does it really help us? Well, while doing yoga, we are supposed to be mindful of how we breathe {when to inhale, exhale or hold breath). We also need to pay attention as to how we are feeling IN the body, how we are connecting with the earth, how we are aligning ourselves in space, how the body, breath and mind responds to each asana and movement.

We need to be connected with our body so as to understand which part of the body is worked upon during a specific asana. We also need to be aware if there are any sensations, pain or spasm in the body. If we are not aware of these and keep stretching ourselves, we may hurt ourselves.

“Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices, skilfully made, lead to freedom.”
– Bhante H. Gunaratana

Yoga in itself requires us to be mindful and there is no such thing called mindful yoga. Yoga practice mandates mindfulness, so that we get the maximum benefits out of it. In yoga, perfection is not achieved over night. Therefore, we need to practise daily and consistently.

Only when we are mindful, we can realise how far the flexibility of our body has improved over a period of time. Certain asanas which were difficult on the first day would not be so on the fourteenth day or twentieth day. Only when we are aware, we can understand this subtle difference.

Have you heard of 10-minute yoga? I can hear your gasps of surprise, as soon as you heard the word, 10 minute. Any beginner can start their practice of yoga by doing yoga for just 10 minutes with basic stretches and then do the joint activation exercises, on a daily basis. Gradually, the number of asanas and the practice time can be increased.

Here is our link to 6 10 minute yoga classes. Try it out!

If we do anything consistently for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Hence, if we do yoga for 10 minutes daily, it becomes a habit. Once it has become a habit and a part of our daily schedule, we can increase the time duration a bit more, by 5 minutes or so.

The benefits of mindful yoga cannot be just listed. They need to be felt and experienced by consistent practice. When we do yoga, we become aware and we tend to apply this awareness in our day today life as well. Awareness of how we breathe, speak, walk and eat can make quite a lot of difference in the quality of our life.

“Walk, as if you are kissing the earth with your feet” – Thich Nhat Hanh. Isn’t that a beautiful quote?

Our consciousness changes drastically when we are mindful of what we are doing and how we are doing. The quality of our thinking, words actions, behaviour improves if only we are mindful at all times.

Getting out of the deep vortex of overthinking and worrying, analysing is the dire need of humanity now. For this to change, being mindful of the breath is the first step.

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Also Read: Purpose of Yoga

Nowadays, yoga can be practised at the comfort of our homes by online yoga classes. Best online yoga classes are offered by Yoga Darshini ,an online yoga studio. The clientele ranges from all ages and many countries across the globe. People of all ages can learn and practise yoga without any hassles by the crystal-clear guidance and well-structured classes of Yoga Darshini. For more details, please visit our website. or send message via whats app to +91 9150180033.

To sum up, our learnings on mindfulness, I end it with a meaningful quote of Buddha.

“Be where you are; otherwise, you will miss your life.”
– Buddha

Its high time, we took control of our lives by practising mindfulness at every aspect of our lives, every second of our lives, for our own benefit. Initially, it would be extremely difficult. But start the practise with 10 minutes and extend it as much as possible. You will not regret it, I bet.


Restorative Yoga: Relax, Rejuvenate, Restore| Yoga-Darshini’s Online Yoga Classes

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