Top 51 inspiring digital yoga teachers of India
Deep Yoga Practice for Holistic Results

Why am I not seeing results in Yoga?

Yoga is one of the most widely misunderstood words in today’s parlance. Is Yoga scientific or spiritual? Is it all about exercises called asanas or beyond those? Lots of questions and queries pour in, when the word yoga is mentioned.

Yoga is a natural way of connecting the mind, body and breath. Definitely yoga is not for those who are aiming for short term goals and results.

Yoga is an art to be imbibed as a way of life and lifestyle modification. Yoga originally has 8 limbs starting from yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, prathyahara, dharana, dhyanam and samadhi. These 8 steps are for self-discipline to self-realization.

But in the modern world, most of the times people interpret yoga as the one dealing with the physical well-being through asanas or postures.

Yoga is wide and deep as an ocean. There are many types of yoga in the physical sense and also metaphysical sense.

Let’s focus on our topic for the day, “Why am I not seeing in results in yoga“.

The yoga techniques are so designed that they work holistically on the body, mind and soul. The results cannot be expected instantaneously.

Yoga works by addressing not just the physical but also the energetic, mental and emotional planes of existence -making us more aware of ourselves and our inner world. With this deep awareness, we are able to make better choices EFFORTLESSLY for our overall health and well-being and weight loss happens as a byproduct of this.

People are enamored by the idea of spot reduction and often run behind or blindly follow posts and reels that says “best yoga poses” to reduce tummy /thighs /arms etc. Let us all be clear about one thing here. SPOT REDUCTION IS A MYTH. The body alone determines where it wants to shed weight first, no matter how many crunches or squats you do. We burn fat through our breath. With every exhalation, we burn fat. So please don’t fall for these cheap hooks. Reduction in weight and toning of the body parts happen gradually over a period of time with consistent practice, proper diet and an overall healthy lifestyle. The time period varies from person to person. We cannot compare the progress of any 2 persons, at a time.

We need to practise yoga in such a way that it becomes a daily habit just like brushing our teeth. Only when we do yoga so consistently and continuously, we shall be able to reap the best results from it.

We need to allot yoga time, every single day and get into the habit of doing yoga meticulously. Any activity must be done with love or passion. Only then we would be able to continue it all though our lives.

Best time to do yoga is just before the sun rise and approximately around the sun set. The most important criterion is that the stomach should be empty when we practise yoga. When we do things in the right way at the right time, definitely we shall be able to get the desired results.

Coming to the point, it is indeed difficult to see visible results by practicing yoga for a short time. We need to inculcate it as a way of life. Only then, we can experience the positive effects of doing yoga. Not just spot reduction or weight reduction, our face will glow, skin shall become soft and our body becomes more immune. The list is long.

The most important thing is that we are on the right path and we will not deviate from it, even in the face of a strong temptation to choose temporary gains over long term benefits.

So, what are you waiting for? Roll out your mat and start practicing yoga!!!

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