Top 51 inspiring digital yoga teachers of India

On teachers and Gurus

Today seems to be the perfect day to reflect a little bit on the word “GURU”. We all know that Guru indicates the one who dispels darkness. It also means heavy. The word itself is so powerful and revered that it can make our mind turn inwards. But it is very sad to see the complete abuse of this word. Anybody and everybody is now being called a guru. In some cases, people call themselves a guru!

This is particularly rampant in the yoga culture. While it is natural that we feel a sense of reverence / awe / gratitude / love to our teacher -be it a yoga teacher or any other teacher, they are just that…Teachers! or Acharyas if one would prefer that. They are not Gurus. What is the difference then? What makes the word Guru so special? And why aren’t all teachers Gurus?

Well, to answer that question, we have to understand the kind of knowledge that a Guru gives. S/He bestows the highest knowledge, knowing which there is nothing left to know. This is the Atma Vidya, or the knowledge of the Self. All other knowledge or vidyas prepare us to receive this knowledge -be it yoga, sangeeta, natya, physics, economics…any knowledge for that matter. A student who applies him/herself ardently in their chosen field, with complete dedication develops a clear intellect and a focused mind that is not constantly distracted with the ever changing world. Through the guidance and encouragement of the teacher, and through their consistent self effort, one becomes ready to receive Atma Vidya.

This knowledge of the Self is extremely subjective where we realise the nature of our True Self as that of existence conscious bliss. Where were transcend the identity with our body-mind complex…going beyond dualities, freed from the notion of “me” and “everything else other than me.”

Guru is the one who bestows the knowledge of “Madatma sarva bhutatma” – The Self in me is the Self in all. With this, we transcend the sorrow and delusion of this life. Our fear vanishes, because there is no “other” to be afraid of. And there is no “death” because the Self is neither born nor does it die.

Isn’t this the ultimate knowledge that we all need to put an end to all sorrows? And to give such knowledge, the Guru must S/He Herself / Himself be Self-Realised. Such Self-realised Masters are beyond the constraints of time and space. They act out of pure love, because they see that one Self shining in and through all. There is nothing that they want. Their actions are devoid of any selfish motives. They act only out of sheer kindness and love, not expecting anything in return.

When a seeker yearns with all his/her heart to know this Truth, when s/he takes all the necessary efforts to purify their mind and intellect through intelligent living, the Guru comes and takes such a seeker under their wings and guides them. This is not about just teaching anymore, but something much beyond that. So subtle yet so powerful. Beyond all materialistic transactions.

Moreover, we must keep in mind that the Guru is not just a physical entity. They are a presence…our own inner Self manifesting with a name and form, to push us from the outside to turn our mind inwards. The same presence simultaneously pulls us from within…centering us finally on that Truth.

To write about the glory of the Guru is not possible, because they are limitless. All that we can do is dedicate all that we are and all that we do unto them in complete love and surrender and serve them with gratitude.

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